Wednesday 7 December 2011

Niños de Chocolatada

Niños de Peru / El Alto, Bolivia

Children of Peru and El Alto, Bolivia

Monday 24 October 2011

Gavotte Bubion 22-10-2011

(Franz Shostakovich)

André and Yaga Siwy - Violins
Michael Tracy - Piano

Ave Maria Bubion 22-10-2011

Ave Maria
(Franz Schubert)

Andre Siwy - Violin
Michael Tracy - Piano

Thursday 15 September 2011

Pirates de la Casa de Arte

Pirates de la Casa de Arte, Pitres

Wednesday 14 September 2011

Trio Degas

Trio Degas actuando Divertimento por Mariano Oblios en Pitres
Maria Barrio(flauta), Alejandra Pacheco(piano) y JoseManuel Muñoz Jiménez(clarinete)

Trio Degas performing Divertimento by Mariano Oblios in Pitres
Maria Barrio(flute), Alejandra Pacheco(piano) and JoseManuel Muñoz Jiménez(clarinet)

Friday 19 August 2011

Color el Arte, Capileria

Unos cuadros de la exposición en Capileira hasta el fin agosto

A sample of the paintings from the exhibition in Capileira, wonderful !

Tuesday 16 August 2011

Mozart por JoséManuel y Jean-Pierre

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Adagio
por José Manuel Muñoz Jimenez (Clarinet) y
Jean-Pierre Delens (Piano)
Bubion, Alpujarrra, Espana 12 agosto 2011

Sunday 31 July 2011

Albayzín Art Collective

Albayzín Art Collective:

Andrew Lynch: Sax
Joaquín Sánchez: Clarinete
Alfredo Sarno: Bateria
Eduardo Armiño: Contrabajo

Pitres, La Taha, Alpujarra, Spain

28 July 2011

Carlos Andreoli, Albaicin

Carlos Andreoli

“Una noche estrellada en el Albaicin (Granada)”

Wednesday 27 July 2011

Alpujarra Aikikai

Aikido actuación en Mecina-Fondales por Alpujarra Aikikai

Aikido demonstration in Mecina Fondales by Alpujarra Aikikai

Mix en Poco Picante, Bubion

Poco Picante

Que bien

Saturday 9 July 2011

David Quigley, Aida en Ferreirola

David Quigley performing Franz Liszt final duet from Verdi's opera Aida.

David Quigley actuando el final dúo de la ópera Aida de Verdi por Franz Liszt.

Enlace / Link

Monday 16 May 2011

Casa de Arte Pitres

Fotos de Casa de Arte, Pitres, "Exposición de ARTE del Barranco del Poqueira"

Un ejemplo de cientos de expuestas

(Abierto 11:00 - 14:00 cada día)

Sunday 27 March 2011

Más Poco Picante

Philippe y Mix actuando en restaurante Poco Picante en Bubion

Philippe and Mix doing an outstanding job at The restuarant Poco Picante, Bubion, Alpujarra, Spain

Wednesday 23 March 2011

Poco Picante, Bubion

Tom and Milly performing in the restaurant Poco Picante in Bubion, La Alpujarra, Spain

Tom y Milly actuando en el restorante Poco Picante,Bubion, La Alpujarra, Spain

Sunday 20 March 2011

Tango in Granada, Spain

Tango in Granada, Spain 19/03/2011

Sunday 23 January 2011

Jesucristo Superstar

Ópera rock de Andrew Lloyd Webber y Tim Rice en El Teatro Calderón de la Barca, Motril con Asociación Cultural y de Tiempo libre "Fuente del Avellano" y el coro "Sur de Granada"

Sábado 22 Enero 2011

Saturday 15 January 2011

El Rio Trevelez

A touch of Iain (Ferreirola) ....

El Rio Trevelez awakes from its long siesta
leaps from its bed foul mouthed, snarling and hissing
straightway unleashes its wild slavering dogs
to hurtle along once tranquil tributaries
repossessing ancient territory
eyes fixed only on the known end point
casually massacring anything between them
and the resumption of the old order

we stand bewildered by such a transformation
smiles frozen on our faces
in awe of its certainty
its lack of hesitation or indecision
it has been planning this so long
shifting and sighing in its sleep
dreaming of power and revenge
aroused by the sense of its strength
enraged by our weakness
hiding in its depths savage desires
its flickering eyes and gentle breathing
jekyll-like tricked us into a vision
of an enduring world that never endures

we are merely spectators to a show of menacing force
in the face of such brutal commitment
we can only acknowledge our irrelevance
the streams join together in a pack
an army now drunk and dangerous and moving fast
unchallenged they go where they like
do what they like
we are at their mercy
awaiting a visit in the night
our houses to be rearranged as tombs of rubble

O mighty river we are your suppliants
we bow down before your majesty
we will remember for ever it is your land
and we are subjects
let us lead you back to your soft bed
we will let you lie how you will
we will ply you with rioja and exotic tapas
we will scatter almond and cherry blossom on your face
and we will rock you back to sleep
O rio grande the conscious world is not your element
return to your life of dark ease
and the ceaseless sensual delirium of imagined violence
there are crueler rivers and oceans than thou
O gentle Rio Trevelez.